Saturday, September 30, 2006

5 posts 1 shot!

wow! a marathon! :) suddenly so many things i can blog about..haha :) nvm la...keep this short and sweet...

daily fruit intake will help shorten your toilet time :) be time :p time = $$

Which should i get? or should i even get any?

ya, between a PDA phone and a notebook :/ which should i get? my basic need is to be able to stay connected with my gf over the internet. cheaper ma :) i don't think 3G is a good choice now as it is still new in M'sia and may not be cheap making those calls.

anyway, both has got its pros and cons
Notebook - other than going on the internet, i cna play games with it and watch DVD and stuff...though i'm not a fan of watching movies but at least it helps to cure my boredom :)

PDA phone - i can bring it around and keep my schedule with me...and that's probably all about it :p well, this is cheaper than a notebook wat!! but i got a pda now d wor :/ which can actually do the job that i wanted it too :p

hhmm..putthing this thought down is good..i think i should save enough for a notebook. with a pda and notebook for it to sync and backup..pointless also wat hor :) alright la...decision kinda fixed...

but owning z O2 XDA 2i has been my dream wor :( maybe when i got more $$ to spend la...

5 more days...

will things change in 5 days time? will I know th result? Will that day be a milestone in my life? decisions...good or bad or lousy..still has to be made :(

can we trust them?

of the years that i've been driving..i've grown really skeptical of almost all car mechanics :/ it's really hard to find 1 real and honest car mechanic :/ i've had so many of them and i can trust almost none of them!?! why? reason being..everytime i got my serviced and repaired, there will seem to have another problem pop up! sigh...

at the end of the day i question it me being plainly skeptical about everything or could it be really that my car has got probs OR is it really those mechanics?!

Lord, lead me to good and honest mechanic!!

since we are on the topic of cars..might as well :) there is tyre shop run by either a Catholic or Christian. honestly, haha...he's really honest :) i mean at least i won't feel cheated when i go there.

why is it that it is so hard to find honest business people nowadays :/ sad sad...!

still sleepy......??

wat?! after 9 hours of sleep..and i'm still sleepy?! what's wrong with me man?! :(

Friday, September 29, 2006

Finally....!!! Leslie has gone back to journalling!

oh well, i hope i don't say that too soon :p it was 4 months ago since i last entered any entry into my journal and yesterday was the 1st after the break :) it sure feels good! pouring down my thoughts and views into writings and hoepfully down the road..5, 10, 115, 20, 25, 30 years down..i (hope to) can read it to my children and grandchildren about my earlier days and my joys and victories and struggles..hhmm..even the thought of it now is rejoicing! hallelujiah!!

i had a wonderful time having dinner with Uncle and Aunt. Chin..haha..that will be Uncle Chin & Aunt. Sook Chan..we talked on many things and eventually i led the discussion to the topic of 'prayer'. that started the ball rolling for Uncle Chin! to me, he has always been the prayer warrior! at the end of it, i've learned many of his life experiences, tips and (no tricks) ways to prayer. to him, prayer is the key! and i'm convinced it is too. oh..just so many things that i've learned through just a dinner :)

anyway, i'm a little anxious now as things might change in a week's time. the battle is still raging in my heart and mind and i really don't have any solid conclusion yet though it is heavily leaning towards 1 side :/

oh, to continue on the prayer. i've decided to start to put into practice to set aside 15 minutes everday to just pray and seek God. let's see how long will i need to get this habit started and going :) haha..pray along for me!

thanks and may the peace and love of God be with you!! Amen!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

can you dig that?! Suc.....better not..

i mean digging in to God's Word of coz :) it's really wonderful to be able to dig into God's Word and finding out what the actual text means. also learned that some pastors are actuallypreaching out of context...haha..anyway, was just thinking if will this leads to me being too strict in interpretting the Word till no place for the Holy Spirit to move..hhmm...i hope not..there's always the danger of digging in too deep till you reach the place not intended for you reach...(is there such a thing anyway :/)

move Holy Spirit! move...i pray...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

standards? standards!

to accept Christ is easy..but to live a Christian hard :/
can we just accpet Jesus as Saviour and not Lord?
we wish...we wish...
but wish on because Jesus is not a shooting star
where myths says that when you wish upon a falling star,
your wish will come through...
so what happen when we only want to have Jesus as Saviour and not Lord?

wow! that was pure rambling! i'm not even sure what i've written myself!
if it sounded theological wrong, then please correct me :)


nothing is easy...nothing is simple!!

that includes being shaped and moulded :/

Lord, if it's possible..let this cup pass away from me...nevertheless...(wonder when only will i be able to complete it :/)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

is there anything to blog about today?

i thought i always will have thigns to blog about :? but as i click on the 'new post' button...i..just blog about :) oh well, anything goes!

i like Saturdays! because it allows me to sleep right thru the morning :p haha...

i like this song from PC3..oh God, i'm weary of running..the things i do don't have your blessings...ya da ya da and ya da...i forgot how it goes..anyway, the song is great!

God bless you Leslie!

- have you eaten your fruits today? ;) -

Thursday, September 21, 2006


found this latest chat stuff from a youth in my CG. my! it's a 3D chat need to create an avatar for yourself and you get to dress and change your looks to your liking. i have to admit that it's really interesting and an attention grabber!

unfortunately, the downside of it it's great. it means it's another avenue for ppl, youth particularly, to live a loose lifestyle. the female avatars are dressed so skimpily and the actions allow tight hugging and lots of varieties in kissing. well, you might say it's not real but i'm sure in reality people will assume that everybody wants to do that too! since it's tougher in real life, let's live it through the fake world of internet. it's sad that this generation has misused the internet to create such a thing for themselves and they are indulging in something that they don't even know that will one day take over them and their lives! literally!

good thing is that whenever there's a downside, there's always an upside too :) not spreading any teachings of Yin and yang though :p the upside, at least to me, is that it's another area where we can be witness for Jesus. we can dress right and act right and say right things to influence people, evangelise to them. 1 particular incident was i random chat with this 19 year old s'pore gal and that gal straight away ask if i could kiss! my! that was only after 2 sentences...i have to say it's tempting coz heck, she doesn't even know me and how i look like. it's 1 time affair and that's it! BUT thank God, though temptation is strong...wait a's fake Leslie! fake! why get so tempted :/ beats me! ask those who are in it and probably you will find a better answer..oh ya, thank God i didn't lower my standards and i took the liberty to explain to her that kissing is not something for us to play and ya da ya da ya da..and guess wat :) she left! hah! just like that...

now you see..what kind of generation we are living in..sigh..i really wonder what can be done to save this young generation from going down the drain...or straight down to h*ll

oh well, i guess 1 simple solution that i can think of's start with YOU! if you happen to stumble upon this site and read this post..know that YOU can make a difference by being 1st of all upholding the Godly Christian standards that Christ sets for us.


Friday, September 15, 2006

customer service :/

funny thing about custermer service is..customer is always right! well, i don't really like that statement personally but it's always the case that when the customer raises their voices, normally they will get their way throug :/ it's a sad thing that company's today allow that to happen. what happen to certain standards? i recall my own incident where i was on this paricular sales and this particular customer was already raising his voice, saying all sorts of nonsense and i stood my ground! :D proud of myself? well, kinda ;) AND the good news is i still manage to pull the sales through! haha..well, of coz with the help of my manager. She's a wonderful manager! heard the latest news about her :( she 'tiuk ngek' (in hokkien) out of the company..sigh! corporate world!

have fun for those of you in the corporate sector!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

wah! very long d!

just yesterday i was enlightened by a friend of mine about blogging. A few of us were having supper at Subaidah and somehow the topic of blogging suffaced. Anyway, this was what he said. He said there are 2 types of bloggers, 1 that blogs for their own enjoyment and the other for others. Well, not exactly in those words but at least it was how I understood it la. so i decided to go blooging for my own enjoyment :) Coz i figured that it is rather hard to blog with wanting to entertain others in mind. Have to crack your head to come up with good titles and contents. That's stress man! no way! Intended for blogging to be fun and enjoyable and not something that will add stress to ny life :) with that aside, I shall see what i want to blog to 'entertain' myself :p

so many things in my head (surprise! yes, there're actually things in my head!) and don't know which to blog 1st. aiyar..random la!

lately i've been reading people's blog again and I find it disturbing when the blogger gets a little too detailed..mentioning names, places and all..well, sorry! but i'm just not comfortable with it. Of course is not of my business! Is that person's blog for crying out loud! but then again, don't they have a sense a of respect and privacy for the person or places mentioned? I dunno..of course unless is really casual or references, then okie la..but some of them just didn't bother enough about certain privacy :/ anyway, point taken and noted :) haha..

God bless!

oh wait..forgotten to add some thing about fruits! :) let me see...fruits is good for you. Therefore eat some fruits.

that's just so the blogger..haha!