Friday, September 15, 2006

customer service :/

funny thing about custermer service is..customer is always right! well, i don't really like that statement personally but it's always the case that when the customer raises their voices, normally they will get their way throug :/ it's a sad thing that company's today allow that to happen. what happen to certain standards? i recall my own incident where i was on this paricular sales and this particular customer was already raising his voice, saying all sorts of nonsense and i stood my ground! :D proud of myself? well, kinda ;) AND the good news is i still manage to pull the sales through! haha..well, of coz with the help of my manager. She's a wonderful manager! heard the latest news about her :( she 'tiuk ngek' (in hokkien) out of the company..sigh! corporate world!

have fun for those of you in the corporate sector!


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