Thursday, September 14, 2006

wah! very long d!

just yesterday i was enlightened by a friend of mine about blogging. A few of us were having supper at Subaidah and somehow the topic of blogging suffaced. Anyway, this was what he said. He said there are 2 types of bloggers, 1 that blogs for their own enjoyment and the other for others. Well, not exactly in those words but at least it was how I understood it la. so i decided to go blooging for my own enjoyment :) Coz i figured that it is rather hard to blog with wanting to entertain others in mind. Have to crack your head to come up with good titles and contents. That's stress man! no way! Intended for blogging to be fun and enjoyable and not something that will add stress to ny life :) with that aside, I shall see what i want to blog to 'entertain' myself :p

so many things in my head (surprise! yes, there're actually things in my head!) and don't know which to blog 1st. aiyar..random la!

lately i've been reading people's blog again and I find it disturbing when the blogger gets a little too detailed..mentioning names, places and all..well, sorry! but i'm just not comfortable with it. Of course is not of my business! Is that person's blog for crying out loud! but then again, don't they have a sense a of respect and privacy for the person or places mentioned? I dunno..of course unless is really casual or references, then okie la..but some of them just didn't bother enough about certain privacy :/ anyway, point taken and noted :) haha..

God bless!

oh wait..forgotten to add some thing about fruits! :) let me see...fruits is good for you. Therefore eat some fruits.

that's just so the blogger..haha!


At 3:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well... do blog for your own enjoyment. unless of course you are planning to make moolah off your blog which requires a lot of work, knowledge, skill, luck, interesting angle & other various factors

Personally for me, I blog mostly for myself - with some input of coz by friends and other blogders (blog readers)

Still common sense dictates that it is probly not a good idea to blog about mundane things like how you cut you finger today or something...

a blog is a form of self-therapy/entertainment to others after all ;)

Eat your fruits (just eat plums here too) & enjoy ur blogging!

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Leslie Yim said...

hahaha..yes! thanks for advise :)
will continue to eat my fruits!


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