5 posts 1 shot!
wow! a marathon! :) suddenly so many things i can blog about..haha :) nvm la...keep this short and sweet...
daily fruit intake will help shorten your toilet time :) be smart..save time :p time = $$
wow! a marathon! :) suddenly so many things i can blog about..haha :) nvm la...keep this short and sweet...
ya, between a PDA phone and a notebook :/ which should i get? my basic need is to be able to stay connected with my gf over the internet. cheaper ma :) i don't think 3G is a good choice now as it is still new in M'sia and may not be cheap making those calls.
will things change in 5 days time? will I know th result? Will that day be a milestone in my life? decisions...good or bad or lousy..still has to be made :(
of the years that i've been driving..i've grown really skeptical of almost all car mechanics :/ it's really hard to find 1 real and honest car mechanic :/ i've had so many of them and i can trust almost none of them!?! why? reason being..everytime i got my serviced and repaired, there will seem to have another problem pop up! sigh...
wat?! after 9 hours of sleep..and i'm still sleepy?! what's wrong with me man?! :(
oh well, i hope i don't say that too soon :p it was 4 months ago since i last entered any entry into my journal and yesterday was the 1st after the break :) it sure feels good! pouring down my thoughts and views into writings and hoepfully down the road..5, 10, 115, 20, 25, 30 years down..i (hope to) can read it to my children and grandchildren about my earlier days and my joys and victories and struggles..hhmm..even the thought of it now is rejoicing! hallelujiah!!
i mean digging in to God's Word of coz :) it's really wonderful to be able to dig into God's Word and finding out what the actual text means. also learned that some pastors are actuallypreaching out of context...haha..anyway, was just thinking if will this leads to me being too strict in interpretting the Word till no place for the Holy Spirit to move..hhmm...i hope not..there's always the danger of digging in too deep till you reach the place not intended for you reach...(is there such a thing anyway :/)
to accept Christ is easy..but to live a Christian lifestyle..is hard :/
nothing is easy...nothing is simple!!
i thought i always will have thigns to blog about :? but as i click on the 'new post' button...i..just ...have..nothing...to blog about :) oh well, anything goes!
found this latest chat stuff from a youth in my CG. my! it's a 3D chat thing..you need to create an avatar for yourself and you get to dress and change your looks to your liking. i have to admit that it's really interesting and an attention grabber!
funny thing about custermer service is..customer is always right! well, i don't really like that statement personally but it's always the case that when the customer raises their voices, normally they will get their way throug :/ it's a sad thing that company's today allow that to happen. what happen to certain standards? i recall my own incident where i was on this paricular sales and this particular customer was already raising his voice, saying all sorts of nonsense and i stood my ground! :D proud of myself? well, kinda ;) AND the good news is i still manage to pull the sales through! haha..well, of coz with the help of my manager. She's a wonderful manager! heard the latest news about her :( she 'tiuk ngek' (in hokkien) out of the company..sigh! corporate world!
just yesterday i was enlightened by a friend of mine about blogging. A few of us were having supper at Subaidah and somehow the topic of blogging suffaced. Anyway, this was what he said. He said there are 2 types of bloggers, 1 that blogs for their own enjoyment and the other for others. Well, not exactly in those words but at least it was how I understood it la. so i decided to go blooging for my own enjoyment :) Coz i figured that it is rather hard to blog with wanting to entertain others in mind. Have to crack your head to come up with good titles and contents. That's stress man! no way! Intended for blogging to be fun and enjoyable and not something that will add stress to ny life :)