Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Can i be just a little bit brainless??

ok..since when i'm not, right? bet this thought are already in some of your mind before you even read up till here! but anyway :) depends on how you take it la ya, it takes a monkey to know another goes!!

why is that so many people like to blog in poem form? are they influenced by some kind of story books while they were young? or is it when they were young their command of English weren't that good to write out a nice poem so now they are like somewhat wanting to 're-live' their childhood?? :/ or could it be they just want to express out in words their artistic side since they can't draw it out on blogs? i tell me!

gonna keep it short and let me know what you think :)
haha just want to test it out and see if it comes out or not :)

oh! if you find me brainless...hey! isn't my topic sort of a warning to you?!?!!


At 2:27 PM, Blogger Leslie Yim said...

hehehe...i hope you managed to dodge the invi bullet :p

anyway, i was just being brainless la :p forgive me :)


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