Friday, September 07, 2007

wah! boringness...woke up from my nap and it's only 8+ pm..well, dun intend to nap any longer than that though..but really boring coz nothing to do in the room except to chat! :/ good thing got frens to chat with though :) thanks frens!

oh well...

might as well share a little bit bout what i've learned so far in S'pore... realise that being a nobody in the really can't influence people. like it or not..position play a role and when you speak, ppl will listen to you..why?! coz of the little (or should i say big) title you have in front of your name. no wonder ppl are fighting hard for power :/ for with it..comes the power of influence. when you can influence others, you can get others to do things for you or get them to believe in what you believe and be your follower. doesn't that sound like leadership? thoughts are kinda random now..may not be a good time to say something serious like this :) but i think that's good enough for thought provoking ;) till then...God bless!

p/s: this blog was supposed to be published a week ago (this was written somewhere in April '07) but blogger seemed to be having some prob with publishing :/


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