Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pumped up!!

i was driven! i was ready! i was all for it! i was sold out for it! i was ready to rumble!!!!!

but why i WAS..?!?! :/

the problem with me is i get all excited the night before but when the sunrises and when my eyes meet the sunlight (or maybe the ceiling in my room), it's all gone! ppffsstt..!! sayonara! what the heck?! i have had lots of experience like this before already. the night before, all pumped and ready to go at it like a hungry lion but when sunrise comes.. :/ it's as though i slept walk to have early breakfast and wakes up all flat..flatter than a flat worm!

sigh!! why?! whY?! wHY?! WHY?!

i so see it as my vision! i so see it as my goal in life! i so see it as my ministry! i so see it.....nevermind... :/

i hope that was something normal and usual and it's faced by all people. those who dreamt it big for God, those who dreamt it big for themselves..i hope they had experiences like mine. i'd like to know that great men with great dreams and vision hung in there. they were traveling alone on that small and narrow road...but they never gave up! they never lose focus! they stick to it EVEN when it seems like it's all gone!

can i be like that?!

Lord, only You know..take it as prayer from me, my Saviour!


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