Friday, November 03, 2006

life..oh life...oh liiiiiffee..oh life...(to the tune of desree - or something like that :p)

life? can anybody actually explain wat's that? as in like..why live? why? finding money all? or a loving life partner? or is life meant for jolly? drink all night, indulge in sex as you like it, work for all the money you can, climb the corporate ladder, be the most powerful person you can ever be? is life all these?

ppl have said..'we've only 1 life, live it to the fullest'. wat's the fullest? who defines it? ourselves? others? so is life meant to be doing wat we just want to do as long as those around us whom we love are not affected?

honestly! if life is not any or all of those, then wat is it?

i guess it's a question we all will eventually ask ourselves one day and someday and a decision has to be made..inevitably :) enjoy life's journey!


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