Thursday, September 01, 2005

This is bad..

why? because blogging has becoem some what a pressure to me :/ thanks to those numbskulls people who previously pressured me to blog often if not i won't be part of the blogring or what not :/

nowadays, if i go by 1 day without blogging i'll be like telling myself and questioning if i should blog or not..don't think this is right la :( blogging should be done in should be something joyous and fun..well, at least for me :)

so i asked myself..what should i blog when i've got nothing to blog? most of the time i only blog about issues or any happenings, which to me, worth to mention..then i realise. wah! my life like quiet empty ar..nothing 'special' 1 ar?! no happenings 1 meh?! hhmm...not that sad i hope..i'd love to think more of like i don't pay much attention to life and it's surroundings. i don't really enjoy the 'journey' but only looking to the 'destination'..if you know what i mean :)

i guess i should slow down in life and learn to 'enjoy' the cool breeze of wind that hits again your face..wait! eeeww..i don't want to sound too poetic :p blek! i guess i need to take life easier :)

let's see how much i cna blog about on that :) see y'all!


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Leslie Yim said...

right on ed! :) btw, how you got to my site? just curious coz i don't publicise it..thanks!


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